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AIJA – The Power of Venture Capital Ecosystems in Uncertain Times

Hotel Casa Fuster
20 - 22 april 2023

The Corporate and M&A and the Banking, Finance & Capital Markets (BFCM) commissions are excited to invite you to the joint Venture Capital (VC) and Finance Spring Seminar 2023 in the dynamic city of Barcelona.

From climate change to global health crises, the world faces serious challenges that will require innovations and solutions in every sector. Today’s innovations and problem solvers are also found in the VC ecosystems all around the world, like in one of the most active VC hubs in the EU: Barcelona!

At the first AIJA VC event in years, we will therefore focus on the role of the VC ecosystems in uncertain times. We will also discuss how we as lawyers can contribute and make an impact as much and valuable as possible.

More information can be found on the official website.

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