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XPAtient Barcelona Congress 2022

28 - 29 september

The XPatient Barcelona Congress 2022 will be held in person on 28 and 29 September 2022. This year it will focus on the challenges that have arisen in our society after the COVID pandemic. There is a climate crisis, an economic crisis and a health crisis, all three of which are interrelated, which need to be addressed.

The XPAtient Barcelona Congress is one of the main actions promoted by the XPA (Patient Experience) Barcelona – a community of practice that brings together institutions from the hospital, technology, research, and administration fields – to transform the care model so that it places the patient as the key and priority element.


  • To publicise the work and conclusions of the workshops held by the Community of Practice.
  • To identify good practices and promote their implementation in the health system.
  • To bring to light the research being carried out in the field of improving the quality of care.
  • To become the annual meeting point for professionals working to improve the quality of care and service companies with solutions for this sector.


  • Patients, carers and relatives
  • Patient associations and third sector entities dedicated to patient care.
  • Research entities applied to the care sector (universities, technology centres, etc.).
  • Public administrations and private entities with decision-making capacity on the adoption of new solutions and practices that improve the quality of patient care.
  • Service companies and technology companies with solutions for improving the quality of care.

For more information see the following website (ESP/CAT).

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