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Communicatie- en marketingadvies, Import-exportbemiddeling, marktonderzoek, Reclamebureaus
International consultancy, specialised in strategy, marketing and innovation, supporting companies to grow their business.

Based on over 30 years of business experience in more than 40 countries, we help our clients, ranging from multinationals to small & medium sized companies, to grow their business.

We develop and implement innovative marketing strategies and concepts that help our clients to increase their commercial performance by:

  • Attracting new customers
  • Selling more to existing customers
  • Increasing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
  • Developing and implementing new products and market concepts
  • Identifying and entering new markets

Some examples of questions we answer for our clients:

  • With which proposition can we enter a new international market successfully and can you find the right partners to do so?
  • How can we accelerate our digital transformation?
  • We need a new (growth) strategy. Can you develop a marketing/business plan?
  • Can you support us in developing and rolling out a new marketing concept to our markets worldwide?
  • How can we boost the effectiveness of our sales organisation?

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