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Café Naranja – Sustainable Procurement

February 6

Dear contact,

You are invited to attend the “Café Naranja” event on Sustainable Procurement, on Tuesday February 6, from 09:30-11:00 at BarcelonaCoworking.Rocks (Av. Diagonal, 453, Bis, Eixample). This event is organized by The Netherlands Business Support Office in collaboration with Ecoreview.

See below for more information and for registration.

  • Sustainable Procurement

The construction sector, and its affiliated industries, are responsible for a considerable amount of global energy consumption and carbon emissions. A significant portion of these impacts are related to publicly funded infrastructural and housing projects. Sustainable innovation of public procurement is essential for meeting climate targets on a local, regional, national, and international scale.

In The Netherlands a digital infrastructure was created for a sustainable procurement system with clear rules, instigating a trickle-down effect along the supply chain. This is in anticipation of EU legislation that will soon move in this direction.

  • Sharing best practice

The company EcoReview, headquartered in The Netherlands was invited by us to share their experience on this topic.

EcoReview is one of the leading LifeCycle Assessment (LCA) consultancy firms of The Netherlands that intends to help governmental bodies, contractors and producers in Catalunya and Spain ahead on this environmental quest, using their expertise and knowledge of the development of the system in The Netherlands.

As the setup of the system and the competence of the governmental bodies can vary extensively between various countries, expert knowledge of the local Spanish market is acquired by a collaboration with Circular Carbon.

  • Reciprocal exchange to accelerate sustainable innovation in the construction sector

The goal of this event is to exchange experience and knowledge, fostering a mutually beneficial collaboration between EcoReview and the local ecosystem in Catalunya. Ecoreview stands to gain valuable insights into the intricacies of the local market, enhancing their expertise in sustainable procurement practices tailored to the region.

Simultaneously, the local ecosystem can benefit from EcoReview’s experience and knowledge of the sustainable procurement system in The Netherlands. Hence, this reciprocal exchange aims to accelerate sustainable innovation in the construction sector.

*See below for the program & registration.

**There are no costs associated with participation.


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