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Accountants, Bedrijfsadministratie- kantoren
Corporate & Secretarial services (Accounting, payroll, basic legal work, etc.)

With our boutique approach we facilitate your international business by applying a personal and tailor made service.
As a client of Corpag you can expect the highest level of service from some of the best educated people, all brought to you with a distinctive human touch. Corpag is a long standing established boutique firm, offering services in various jurisdictions.

We are present all around the world. For this reason our presence
and exposure keeps us always up to date with all the relevant experience and compliance in your home market as well as with any other country your business may need.

Our goal is to remain small-scaled, so that we can continue to distinguish ourselves with the personal services we offer our clients. With today’s strict and continuously changing compliance legislation we do everything to facilitate and not burden our clients. We do this by using flexible ways to meet legislation without frustrating the business. We are not the tax advisors, legal counsels or investment advisors but we know exactly when to call in an expert and how to find them within our extensive network.

Rambla Catalunya 60
Segundo 2ª A
08007 Barcelona

C/José Ortega y Gasset 25
Planta Baja
28006 Madrid

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